Friday, March 2, 2012

WA; Students questioned over pepper spray incident

AAP General News (Australia)
WA; Students questioned over pepper spray incident

A teenage boy's being questioned by police after pepper spray was allegedly released
in a Perth classroom.

The incident left three students and four teachers in need of medical help and forced
the evacuation of parts of Mercy College high school, in Koondoola in the city's north.

The seven people were treated by ambulance officers about 11am (WST) after complaining
of throat irritations, light-headedness and nausea.

Fire and Emergency Services Authority spokesman BILL ROSE says firefighters thought
there'd been a gas leak and cleared 100 people from the area.

But investigations have led police to take a 17-year-old student in for questioning.

The boy's alleged to have been carrying pepper spray in his backpack.

AAP RTV hn/wjf/ea/rp


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