Sunday, March 4, 2012

Pet Q&A: Puppy who potties in the house.

Byline: Connie Bloom

Q: I have a 6-month-old dachshund puppy who likes to potty in ... my house. We let him outside very frequently, and he knows where to do his business. Yet, to my dismay he continues to urinate on my curtains and under my children's beds. _Ann

A: Ask your vet to check your puppy's plumbing. Absent a bladder infection, launch a potty retraining program. Even older dogs retrain well, so worry not. This is doable with love and patience in a couple of weeks. Enlist the kids to take turns helping. Make it a family mission.

Feed and water your puppy on a strict schedule. No cheating. Take him outside after every meal and every hour or …

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