Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NSW: Sexual assault rates double in 15 years: report

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Sexual assault rates double in 15 years: report

Official figures show the incidence of sex crimes and violent attacks in New South
Wales has more than doubled in 15 years .. and is continuing to rise.

But the state's crime stats bureau says the rates of murder .. armed robbery .. burglary
and car theft are at their lowest levels since 1990.

Police records show sexual assault has risen by 132 per cent since 1990 .. while assault's
gone up by 105 per cent and other sexual offences by 85 per cent.

Over the same period .. the murder rate's halved .. as has the rate of armed robberies.

And .. the New South Wales assault rate is also significantly higher than in Victoria
and Queensland.

AAP RTV kjd/was/wz/goc/


2006 AAP Information Services Pty Limited (AAP) or its Licensors.

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