1670 W. Division
The restaurant is serving its new drink, the Prickly PearMargarita ($8), a savory, fruity, magenta-colored concoction that issaid to stop hangovers.
Dr. Jeffrey Wiese, a medical professor at the University ofCalifornia, has conducted a study for the Archives of InternalMedicine and found that prickly pear extract works to reduce theeffects of alcohol by reducing three of the most significant hangoversymptoms -- nausea, dry mouth and loss of appetite. Plus, foreveryone following a low-carb diet, the prickly pear fruit containszero calories, zero grams of fat and zero milligrams of sodium.
To make your own, mix 2 ounces Cabrito 100 percent Blue AgaveSilver Tequila; 1 ounce Triple Sec; 11/2 ounces fresh lime juice; 3/4 ounce fresh lemon juice; 3/4 ounce fresh orange juice, and 1 ounceprickly pear juice. Add ice and serve in salt-rimmed glass. Garnishwith a slice of prickly pear. Call (773) 276-8700.
Que Syrah
3726 N. Southport
The fine wine shop is hosting a wine tasting 4 to 7 p.m. Aug. 20.Admission is $30. Call (773) 871-8888 or visit
Geja's Cafe
340 W. Armitage
The fondue haven is touting its debut of Amarula Cream Liquorcocktails. John Davis, restaurant founder, encountered the delectableAfrican drink on his recent visit to South Africa.
The liquor comes from the rare marula fruit, and is harvested andfermented in a process similar to winemaking and aged for two yearsin French Oak. This process produces rich, creamy liquor with hintsof caramel, butterscotch and chocolate.
In August, Geja's is offering special Amarula drinks atpromotional prices, including: Amarula over shaved ice, $7; WhiteNile Martini (Amarula, Cointreau, Creme de Cocoa), $7.50, and DarkContinent (Amarula and coffee), $6.
The first 50 customers to order a new Amarula drink at Geja's willreceive a free Amarula T-shirt. Call (773) 281-9101.
Inspiration Cafe
4554 N. Broadway
Nick Luedde, sommelier at Feast Restaurant in Bucktown, willdiscuss sparkling wines that go well with summer meals. Feast willprovide wine and hors d'ouevres for class participants.
The cost is $50. Proceeds will benefit the Inspiration Cafe, anonprofit restaurant and organization that aids the homeless. Forreservations or more information, call (773) 878-0981.
(BULLET) Moet & Chandon has released its new four-pack of Moetminis, with a suggested retail price of $40 to $45. They're availableat many local liquor stores including Sam's Wines & Spirits andBinny's Beverage Depot, 213 W. Grand.
For more information, call (877) 774-7487 or or
(BULLET) The popularity of Australian wine continues to grow inthe United States. In fact, Australian wine sales increased 67percent in 2003 and Shiraz continues to be the country's fastestgrowing red wine varietal, reports Black Swan wines.
The winery has released three new blended wines ($9 suggestedretail price for each). The first is the Black Swan 2003 Shiraz-Merlot, a sweet, ripe plum-flavored vintage with a soft, velvetymouthfeel that pairs exceptionally well with meat dishes such asgrilled lamb and beef as well as rich pastas.
The Black Swan 2003 Shiraz-Cabernet is a wine with dark berryflavors and hints of black pepper. The Shiraz delivers brightraspberry flavors with a touch of spice, while the Cabernet providesrich blackberry flavors and fine grained tannins, giving structureand length to the palate.
Black Swan 2003 Chardonnay-Semillon combines Chardonnay's sweetmelon flavors with Semillon's lively citrus notes and overtones ofhoney. This refreshing white wine's clean, crisp finish makes it well-suited for seafood, salads and Asian cuisine.
The Black Swan Blends are available at: Miskas Liquor Store, 12435Western, Blue Island; DiCarlo's Armanetti Liquors, 515 N. Western,and Lake Wells Food & Liquor, 201 W. Lake. For more information,visit
Send your libation-related events 14 days in advance to: TastingsAround Town, Chicago Sun-Times, 401 N. Wabash, Chicago, 60611; oremail to:
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