The jury is out on which is the No. 1 boys' volleyball team inthe Chicago area (Downers Grove South, Richards or Downers GroveNorth) and who is the No. 1 player (Downers North's Omar Moran,Richards' Mike Prosek or Wheaton Central's Adam Spitznagle).
Downers South (8-1) built its case by spilling Palatine 12-15,15-5, 15-13 in the semifinals of the Schaumburg invitationalSaturday, then edged Fremd 15-5, 13-15, 15-11 for the championship.The Mustangs' only loss was to Richards.
Junior Brett Richards had 17 kills and Bill White had 11 to paceDowners South. Middle hitter Gary Dillavou added seven kills in thethird game. Fremd (6-2), which upset Downers Grove North 15-12,15-13 in the semifinals, lost despite 15 kills from senior AndyNedzel and six from Jim Chalex.
"We gained a lot of mental toughness in this tournament,"Downers South coach Rich Griesheim said. "To win the last two gamesgives us confidence because it helps realize we can play a toughmatch and come back and play well in another tough match.
"I think the fatigue factor set in for the final four teams andwe haven't spent a lot of time conditioning until now. But Richardscame through with the hitting and Dillavou really picked it up at theend of game three."
But Griesheim still believes Richards is the best team in thestate. "They beat us and until we beat them, we're No. 2," he said."But Palatine is good, Fremd is good and Downers North is good,too."
Fremd coach Dave Boze said, "We played well but it's obviousthat Downers South has more experience. We made a lot of mentalerrors at the end of the game. But the way we played againstDowners North and South and the way Palatine played against them. ..that's the way volleyball should be played."
Meanwhile, the Moran vs. Prosek argument also remainsunsettled.
Moran, a 6-1 outside hitter, emigrated from Peru when he was 9and has played volleyball since eighth grade. Last year, he ledDowners North to a 24-2 record and the unofficial state championship. In the last nine months, while playing club and high schoolcompetition, he has emerged as perhaps the area's top all-aroundplayer.
"He is a great passer and he can hit from any place on the court and score," Downers North coach Ray Butkussaid. "And now he has developed into a team player, not only bybeing a powerful performer but by helping others.
"He is the best player in the state. . .the best passer, thebest hitter, the best back row player. He can do everything. Alot of our success is because of what Omar does in the back row, notjust from his hitting."
"Moran has excellent ball control and a great understanding ofthe game," Naperville Central coach John Garrison said.
Moran credits his club play with Sports Performance in WestChicago for much of his improvement. "This was the first time I'veplayed with really great players and I feel I have picked up a lot,"he said.
"I've worked on speeding up my spike approach and I see adifference offensively. My footwork used to be backwards butthey've fixed it and I've learned how to be quicker on the court."
While Moran is the leading candidate for Player of the Yearrecognition, Prosek and Spitznagle are making their own cases.
"In all honesty, I think Prosek is the best player in thestate," Richards coach Dave Deuser said.
"He can help a team in every area. He is a devastatingblocker, he has a kill percentage of .632 (33 in his last threegames) and he is an overpowering hitter. He has become a dominantforce. When we have to get a kill, we throw it to Mike.
"Moran is a nice hitter and has great ball control skills. ButI don't think he is as dominant at the net as Prosek with regard toblocking and kill percentage. Spitznagle is up there, too. Butit's a difficult comparison because Adam is a setter."
Downers South's Griesheim also says Prosek is the best player."If I had to start a team, I'd pick Prosek," he said. "He is aneasier player to coach, he is better suited to a team concept and,because of his height (Prosek is 6-4, Moran 6-1), he has a distinctadvantage at the net."
Richards (8-0), led by Prosek, Jeff Hisgen and Jose Espinoza, hasa date in the Lake Forest tournament Saturday. The Bulldogs alsoare getting good performances from Neil Deuser, Tom Hrad and PeteGiadla.
Unranked Conant (6-0) built a case for a top 10 billing bybeating Stevenson 15-8, 15-3 to win its eight-team invitational.The Cougars were led by 6-7 middle hitter David Todd (seven kills)and Adam Naskrent (five).
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