Thursday, March 1, 2012

FED: Federal intervention in state laws, at a glance

AAP General News (Australia)
FED: Federal intervention in state laws, at a glance

CANBERRA, Feb 15 AAP - Recent examples of federal governments overriding state and
territory powers:

1983 - Hawke Labor government uses external affairs powers under Section 51 of the
Constitution to stop the Tasmanian government building a dam on the Gordon-below-Franklin

1994 - Keating Labor government enacts legislation to override Tasmanian anti-gay legislation.

The Tasmanian government eventually withdrew the laws in 1997 in the face of a High Court

1997 - Federal parliament votes to override the Northern Territory's voluntary euthanasia
laws. MPs and Senators have a conscience vote on the private member's legislation, put
forward by Victorian MP Kevin Andrews.

2000 - Attorney-General Daryl Williams writes to the NT and WA government urging then
to reconsider mandatory sentencing laws in the wake of a 15-year-old boy's death in jail.

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