Wednesday, February 29, 2012

NSW: Fears for missing kayakers

AAP General News (Australia)
NSW: Fears for missing kayakers

SYDNEY, April 3 AAP - Three men on a kayaking trip in northern NSW are missing.

The kayakers - two aged 22 and the other 29 - failed to return home on Friday night
and family members phoned police about 10pm (AEDT).

The men left about 5am on Good Friday and were rowing 18km between Frogs Hollow and
Bellbird Road on the Bobo River in the Nymboi Binderay National Park near Dorrigo.

A police spokeswoman on Saturday said there had been no sign of the men or kayaks,
and two cars belonging to the men remained parked at either end of the 18km route.

The Westpac Rescue Helicopter has been conducting sweeps of the river since first light.

Anyone with information about the three men should phone Coffs Harbour Police or Crime
Stoppers on 1800 333 000.

AAP lpm/tr


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